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  4. 6. Description of Importe...
  5. 1.1. Importer Interface

1.1. Importer Interface

This guide walks you through the EF LOG Platform from the importer perspective. It starts with an overview of all available navigation items and moves on through basic functional steps.

Navigation structure and main functionality:

Dashboard – overview of the latest activities.

ATN – shows all orders sent through API to our system. If there is no match with data in our system you will get an error.

Yearly Forecast – use this screen to send your initial yearly forecast and updates.


Stock Status – gives you an overview of all produced orders which are ready to be loaded.

Transport Orders – gives you an overview of all active inbound loads with current status, vehicle information and all other required details.


Stock Status – gives you a list of all vehicles which passed Gate in and are on stock. Here you will also see the status of each vehicle and have the ability to create transport request.

Service Orders – here you will be able to see all vehicles which are in the hold status due to additional service is in progress.

Damages – shows you all damaged vehicles.


Transport Orders – gives you an overview of all active outbound loads with current status, vehicle information and all other required details.

DTD Transports – ability to initiate dealer to dealer transport and gives you an overview of all active DTD loads with current status, vehicle information and all other required details.

Reexport – ability to initiate reexport and gives you an overview of all active reexport loads with current status, vehicle information and all other required details.

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